MiniRx: RxJS Redux Store
Simple yet powerful state management for your Javascript Applications
MiniRx provides Reactive State Management inspired by Redux.
Redux Principles
- Single Source of Truth: The Store holds the global application state
- State is read-only and is only changed by dispatching actions
- Changes are made using pure functions called reducers
MiniRx uses one way data flow. State changes and view updates always follow these steps:
- The view dispatches an action (e.g. ADD PRODUCT) with an optional payload
- The Reducer function uses that action and creates a new state based on the action payload and the current state
- The state is stored in the store (Single Point of Truth)
- MiniRx exposes state as RxJS Observable: Any component can subscribe to the Observable state by using a selector to get notified of specific state changes.
With MiniRx you can update state without actions and reducers. With the FeatureStore API you can manage a specific feature state directly and with less boilerplate. Updating state is as simple as calling `setState` on a FeatureStore instance.
MiniRx is in public beta now:
You can install MiniRx from npm: MiniRx
GitHub Repo: MiniRx on Github